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Missionaries Supported Monthly by Faith Baptist Church
Anchor of Hope Girls Home (Lucedale, Mississippi)
Stinnett Ballew (Harvest Time Broadcast)
Thomas Beard (Mexico)
Larry Brinker (Evangelist)
Keith and Kimberly Cashner (Scotland)
Robert Cepec (Guyana and South America)
Carlos Chacon (Venezuela)
Hector Constillo (Mexico)
Justin Cox (Venezuela)
Fellowship Track League (Lebanon, Ohio)
Daniel Files (Thailand)
Daniel Fried (Hope of Israel)
George Garcia (Mexico)
John Green (Bearing Precious Seed)
Darrell Hayes (Evangelist)
Michael and Barbra Hinson (Country of Georgia)
Simon and Elizabeth Jacob (Pakistan)
Tony Ledbetter (Haiti)
Arthur Lockard (Beams Bibles)
Brandon and Alicia McKnight (Military in Japan)
Cory and April McTague (Toronto, Canada)
Chaz Myers (Canada)
Larry and Betty Parshall (Australia)
Publish or Perish Ministry (Biloxi, MS)
Russell Ray (Myanmar)
Chad and Sandy Sellers (Nepal)
Gary Schwer (Hands Across the Border)
Luke and Tonya Shelby (Kenya)
Adam Taitano (Pocahontas, Arkansas)
Danny and Denise Tessener (India)
Victory Baptist Press (Milton, Florida)
Dalton and Paulette Walker (New Zealand)
Wings Of Eagles (Wyoming)
Larry and Brenda Writesel (Spain)