We Believe:
The Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired. It is without error and contains the only complete revelation of God. – II Tim. 3:16-17
There is only one living and true God, supreme ruler of heaven and earth. – Ex. 20:2-3
The Holy Spirit is a divine person equal with God the Father and God the Son. – John 14:16-17
Satan was once a holy being, but through pride and ambition tried to replace God and drew a third of the angels after him. He is now the unholy lord of this world and the angels that followed are demons. – Isa. 14:12-15
The Genesis description of creation is a literal account of creation. – Gen. 1:1
Man was created in innocence, but through the deception of Satan, voluntarily sinned against God. All became sinners as a result. The consequence was condemnation without defense or excuse and eternal separation from God. – Gen. 3:1-6
Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. – Matt. 1:18-25
Salvation of sinners is fully through the grace of God. It is the gift of God, provided freely by Jesus who took on our nature as human but without sin. He willingly took our sin to the cross, allowing us to appear clean before God – if we accept the gift. – John 3:16
In order to be saved, sinners must be born again, thus becoming a new creation in Christ. – John 3:3
Salvation is freely made available to all. – I Thes. 1:4
Christ's salvation includes the pardon of sin and the gift of eternal life. – Acts 13:39
Repentance and faith are the obligations of all believers. We turn to God for confessions and mercy and at the same time receive Jesus as our only Savior. – Acts 20:21
We believe the local New Testament church is a congregation of believers associated by a covenant of faith and fellowship. The church is to propagate the Gospel of Jesus, equip the saints to live the Christian life and to minister to the needs of others. – Acts 2:41
Come be a part of the growing body of believers at Faith Baptist Church
The hometown church with a heart for the world!