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 How To Go To Heaven

  1. The first step to being saved and going to heaven is admitting that you are a sinner because you have you have broken God’s laws and commandments, and as a result you are separated from God. The Bible says in, (Romans 3:23), says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”

  2. The second step to being saved and going to heaven is that you must realize the result of your sin in breaking God's commandments and laws is there is a penalty to be paid and that penaly is an eternal death and separation from God in the lake of fire. The Bible says in (Romans 6:23),  “For the wages of sin is death;”

  3. Even though we were sinners and separated from God, He loved us, and sent His Son to die on the Cross and raise from the dead three days later. (John 3:16) explains “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, He became the payment for our sin. Now, we do not have to pay for our sin ourselves. By His grace, salvation is provided. In Romans 5:8, the Bible says, “But God commendeth [meaning proved or demonstrated] his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

  4. In order to be saved and forgiven of your sins so that you can be reconciled back to God and have an eternal home in in heaven, you must place you full trust in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sin and eternal life. In Roman 10:13 the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That is a promise directly from God that if you will pray to Him, confess that you are a sinner, ask Him to forgive your sins, and turn to Him alone to be your Saviour; He promises to save you and give you the free gift of eternal life. You can make that decision today by praying from your heart, something like this: Dear God, I know that I am separated from you because of sin. I confess that in my sin, I cannot save myself and I turn from from sin and ask you to save me from the penalty of my sin and give me eternal life.

Please let us know your decision by contacting us.

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84 East Main Street
Greenbrier, Arkansas 72058


The church is located 1 mile east of Hwy 65 on State Road 225

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Sunday 10:30am and 5:00pm
Wednesday @ 7:00pm

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